Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet, 3rd Edition: A Healthy Eating Program to Improve Your Type 2 Diabetes by Donald D. Hensrud, M.D. Book Review

In The Mayo Clinic Diabetes, Donald D. Hensrud has written a comprehensive to guide readers on how to eat healthier and to exercise more. He explained the most important thing to do to prevent our risk of developing diabetes is to lose weight. If we would lose the weight, we could reverse the process and our blood sugar glucose levels could improve. This book is meant to be a lifestyle change. The book covered the lose it phase and we could potentially lose 6 to 10 pounds in two weeks. You will first need to look at your habits which five to add, break and adopt. The book also discussed how life changing it is when you eat a healthy breakfast and has been linked to better performance in school/work. The next phase is live it and this one discussed how to continue the journey. It will help you set new goals. The book contained helpful hints on eating out, portion size, serving size, activity plan, and what to do when you mess up on your plan. It enclosed new recipe ideas. He revealed how people tend to underestimate how many calories they consume and this is key. Another critical lesson is working up to exercising for 300 minutes a week for five days a week to lose weight. 




I would recommend this book to anyone who is at risk for getting diabetes and that is pretty much everyone! I have recently been warned to watch my sugar and I could get prediabetes. It definitely runs in my family. It was surprising to read about the effects that my body could already be experiencing and it could damage my heart or blood vessels. This book contained tons of information on eating healthier and controlling your blood sugar. Some of my favorite recipes included, California avocado wrap, buffalo zucchini sticks, pita pizza, just to name a few. I liked how it contain chef comments. It was also really helping in how he explained and compared the serving sizes to real life objects where readers can easily measure it out. It also had a helpful chapter that was written like a Q and A. This book will assist you in changing your entire lifestyle to become a healthier you. 










"I received this book free from Mayo Clinic Press for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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