Andrew Smith's Blog

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Is Jesus the Way? By Mack Cordell Moore Book Review

Is Jesus the Way, Mack Cordell Moore revealed the Jesus is the true way to eternal life. Jesus is the true Son of God and He has come to provide us a way to everlasting life. They are both equals and they both share the same nature. The book discussed marriage and the roles of wives and husbands and how Christ loves the church. He also explored the different miracles of Christ such as the sick man at the pool, Bethesda who was waiting for his chance for healing. The book explained how Jesus is also God. He also spent the last section of the book revealing that Jesus died for our sins and how we can all have everlasting life. 



This book enclosed one of my favorite Biblical stories: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The king, Nebuchadnezzar commanded everyone to fall down and worship the golden image or they would be thrown into the fiery furnace. They shared how God will deliver them from the fiery furnace and they wouldn’t have any harm come to them. They wouldn’t serve any other gods and this angered him. He decided to turn the furnace up 7 times. They were placed in the fiery furnace and while they were in there, they witnessed how there was four men in the furnace. The fourth man was Jesus. When they were removed there was again only three and none of them was burnt or smelled like smoke. The king eventually saw the light and gave a new order that Israel was allowed to worship God. Mack explained how we can see this important message in this. The message is that God will bless us if we are faithful to Him and He can do it in front of our enemies and by using the power of our enemies to do so. He also shared how the king ate grass like a cow for 7 years and he became a believer of Christ. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to learn more about Jesus and His way and who He is. This book enclosed tons of references to scriptures and was very Biblical based. I liked how he covered some of Jesus’s miracles, explained how Jesus is the Son of God, and how He died for our sins. It was a nice overview on some of the stories of the Bible. I believe this book will provide readers with an inquisitive to seek more of who Christ is by reading His word and growing in our relationship with Him. 





"I received this book free from the author, Mack Cordell Moore for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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