Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Life Lived Well: A Collection of Tips, Insights, and Inspirations to Live Not a Great Life, But Your Best Life by Jeremy Zoch, PhD Book Review

Jeremy Zoch is an CEO for a hospital and an assistant professor and has earned his PhD. He begins the book by sharing how the average person stops working out at age 41. They claim that they are too tired and too busy to. We tend to put off exercise and living health. He has personally completed in more than 40 marathons, three 50-mile ultramarathons, 100k trail race, and 100-mile road race. He has even completed 70 miles waterski event. He explained how he was told by a basketball coach that he needed to lose weight. He thought he was too slow to run up and down the court. He instructed to him that he would be telling his parents. He quit the team and he felt so embarrassed because he called him out in front of the whole team. People are putting off from living their dreams and they save things for when they retire. This book is written to assist readers in helping you to live out your dreams. He encouraged readers to write down their life map and answer who they are, what do you picture your last day to be like, and much more. Each chapter contained an exercise section and questions you can ask yourselves. 





He shared how he has a strong stance for life and places high value on living your best life. One day his mother experienced a terrible car accident. She was turning and she couldn’t see out of her blind spot and was hit head on. She broke her knee and her ankle. She was bruised and cut all over her face. This in turn led him to becoming a nervous child and he worried about her constantly. He was afraid that she would die. He would ask her if she had to drive anywhere that day and sometimes, he would cry during class. He was close to failing classes and he lost friends. He now knows he was suffering from trauma and he had to learn to let go. In this exercised, he encouraged readers to ask themselves what has shaped us and what we can let go where we can move forward. 





I would recommend this inspiring book to anyone who is ready to live their best life and they are tired of not living life to the fullest. I liked how he addressed health and how he had to learn to watch his glucose levels and cholesterol. He chose to eat healthier and has witnessed the effects of eating clean and consuming more of a plant-based diet. He has a goal to live healthier and make it until he is way over 100 years old. I liked also how he enclosed a number of questions to ask ourselves to go deeper into the message of the book. This book will assist you in asking who we are and what the best life looks for us. 






“I received this book free from ALLW for my honest review.”






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Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine Is Making You Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life by Robert Lufkin, MD Book Review

This book is an excellent resource to use to better our overall health. He explained how he was slightly overweight. He has high blood pressure and was prediabetic. He shared how he knew he had to make a change. He started to avoid sugar, processed carbs and seed oils, and grains. He made a choice to skip breakfast and lunch. He was able to get off some of his medications. In the book, he explored the lies that he was taught in medical school. One of these was being about obesity and how a calorie is just a calorie. The most eye-opening chapters was about the plan. He stated how we can be healthy if we choose just when eat. He suggested eating only within an 8-hour time frame. This allows your body time to rest and help change your metabolic health. He also included tips on sleeping better and practicing relaxing techniques. He looked at brain exercise you can do to improve your brain. He encouraged readers to get regular exercise and tracking down how much you do. He shared how we can learn to manage our stress. When we are a pet owner it has been linked to longer health and can teach us unconditional love. 




I would recommend this awesome book on all the lies he taught in medical school and how he covered diabetes, fatty liver, hypertension, cancer, Alzheimer, and much more. It was very well researched and he shared studies and how things have changed in the medical field. The plan was very helpful in reversing and helping to prevent some of these diseases. I liked how he opened up about he made his own lifestyle changes to improve his health. What I noticed that was interesting is how actor, Josh Duhamel endorsed this book. 




“I received this book free from BenBella Books for my honest review.”






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The Unfair Advantage: 7 Keys from the Life of Joseph for Transforming Any Obstacle into an Opportunity by Aaron Burke Book Review

In The Unfair Advantage, Aaron Burke explored what important keys we can learn from the life of Joseph and use the lessons to overcome any obstacle that we may face. He explained how all of our trials, struggles, challenges, and setbacks are actually an unfair advantage that God can use to prepare us. What was meant to harm us God can turn it around for our good see Gen. 50:20. There can be purpose for our pain. He shared in the book how he had an unfair advantage growing up. He had trouble making friends and school wasn’t easy. He was expelled from a Christian school. He failed a few courses and had to retake them. His dad also had a drug problem during his childhood. He has been called to preach and every time he would try, he would lose his voice and he had to get a speech therapist to help him and she told him that he was a lost cause. All of his struggles taught him to have greater dependence on God and to have a greater humility. He had an unfair advantage and was able to see the good that came out of it. 



The book covered the entire story of Joseph. He was rejected by his brothers and threw him into a deep pit. They wanted to murder him. He was eventually sold into slavery. They were extremely jealous of how much attention and love their father gave him. His dream of success angered his brothers and cause strived and conflict. One of my favorite chapters covered rejection and he has pointers on how to deal with it. He was rejected because of who he was as an individual. He also shared how Oprah, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Michael Jordan, and many others all faced rejected and they all overcame it. He opened up about his own experiences with rejection and how he didn’t get picked for sports teams and how devastated he felt. Even Jesus warned about how brothers will betray their brothers to death and children will rebel against each other and how we will be hated because of Jesus (Matt 10:21-22). Jesus was also rejected and he hung on a cross for our sins. He teaches readers ways in which to deal with rejection and how to not allow bitterness to take root. He instructed readers to guard your hearts. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to go deeper into the study of Joseph. He overcame his unfair advantage and God used all of his pain for his advantage. I immensely liked reading this book and was very interested in learning how to handle rejection and I loved the questions he presented to ask ourselves if we are holding onto bitterness. There are also discussion questions at the end of each chapter. I also liked how he encouraged readers to invest in their relationships especially their marriages and giving others our time. This book is a wonderful read and it will help you in dealing with life isn’t fair. 




I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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How Not to Get Sick: A Cookbook and Guide to Prevent and Reverse Insulin Resistance, Lose Weight, and Fight Chronic Disease by Benjamin Bikman, PhD and Diana Keuilian Book Review

How Not to Get Sick is a brand-new book covering a scientistic approach to getting better health. Insulin resistance is something most of us are affect by. Only about 12% of people are in the healthy range in all metrics. The metrics included was waist circumference, fasting blood glucose, blood pressure, and two blood lipid measurements. In the book, they explored how to improve people’s health. They looked at the benefits to fasting and when you should fast. They explained how to prioritize protein, eating fats, and carbs and what kind to eat. They looked at movement and how much we should be moving regularly. The included a few exercises and pictures explaining the moves. The book covered sleep and how critical it is to sleep and how a lack of just two days can spike your insulin levels. The book contains a few different reverse meal plans. There is even a recipe section. Some of these included, spiced butter chicken, chicken alfredo spaghetti bake, grilled Sunday steak, creamy garlic shrimp, peanut butter chocolate layered mousse, sweet and salty dessert bark, strawberry cheesecake smoothie, and much more. 




I would recommend this awesome book on tips and techniques to combat insulin and becoming insulin resistance. The book is very insightful on learning how to control our glucose. I immensely liked the healthy version of new favorites recipes and they seem like they will assist you in your overall health. It was very shocking to read how many of us are failing in the metrics and I’m including myself. This is very well researched and if you follow along and put in work and effort you can begin to see positive changes. 


I received this book free from BenBella Books for my honest review.”






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Undistracted: Capture Your Purpose. Rediscover Your Joy. by Bob Goff Book Review

In Undistracted, Bob Goff explained how we can rediscover our purpose and get our joy back. He begins the book by explaining how we are all distracted more and more. Sometimes we don’t even notice when our minds are wondering and we are losing focus. We are faced with social media distractions, ever ending to do lists, and reading the news. He encouraged readers to write down for a day everything that is distracting us from completing tasks. This can help to reveal to us where we are spending our time and what could be distracting us from fully living. 



One of my favorite chapters was how we can learn to be present and how this is the cure for insecurity. He shared how he visits prisons and tries to influence them and teach them about God and how to deal with their shame. He shared how he was alone in a room with a young man when the power went off and the entire prison was shut down for four hours. He admitted to how he wanted to dig a hole just to escape. He was locked in with this man in maximum security. He compared this to insecurity and how many of us try and build up walls to protect us. We install bulletproof glass so nothing could kill us or harm us. He shared how really, we are just scared and longing for a true friend to help carry us. We can break out of the prison around our hearts. 



I would recommend this inspiring book about the things that are distracting us from having joy and pursuing our purpose fully. I immensely loved the story about how his friend who happens to be a guitar player for Carrie Underwood. He invited him to a show and he didn’t realize that he had an all-access pass to go anywhere in the show. He wasn’t allowed on center stage. He used this exampled to compare it to how God has given us an all-access pass to go anywhere and to live our lives. He explained how we can choose to have boldness. I also liked how he included his cell phone number in the book and he encourages readers to call him and he just might surprise you an answer. I thought this was something totally different from an author.  




I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to be Rapture Ready by Dr. David Jeremiah Book Review

In The Great Disappearance, Dr. David Jeremiah warned readers about how an exciting day and a terrifying day for unbelievers are coming. He begins the book by explaining how the return of Jesus could be very soon. There will first be a great disappearance and billions of people will suddenly vanish. The rapture will be announced by the Lord shouting up from Heaven, with help from the archangel, and the trumpet of God will sound. Dead bodies that have been buried will rise. Conflicts are shifting and the love for others is getting colder. Nuclear weapons can now be carried by hand and there are wars between nations. The days of Noah will be coming again. We are currently experiencing a deep corruption throughout the nations. He covered the topic what if we die before the rapture what happens. He revealed what will happened to child during the rapture. He explored the seven-year Tribulation and what unbelievers can expect to occur if they choose to not to accept Jesus as their Savior. He explained why the rapture has to happen and how this will help to purify Israel. 



I would recommend this awesome book on the rapture and the great disappearance the world will witness when believers are missing. I really liked how he broke down a lot of the questions and thoughts we have about the future and what is to come. I also liked how he shared his thoughts on if people will get a second chance to accept Jesus. He made this book very simple to understand and for readers to get a grasp on the future. There is tons of references to verses and passages. One of my favorite parts was the section Live Like You Were Dying which is a song reference to Tim McGraw’s hit song. It reminds readers to love deeper, speak sweeter, giving forgiveness, and most of all living like it’s your last day. We can live on purpose and be prepared that today could be the day that Jesus returns. 




I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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Think This, Not That: 12 Mindshifts to Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs and Become Who You Were Born to Be by Dr. Josh Axe Book Review

In Think This, Not That, Dr. Josh Axe helps readers to focus on thinking on right mindsets and to turn off the bad mindsets. He explained how his grandfather used to own and operate a 60-acre recreational campground in Lima, Ohio. They have waterslides, rafts for the big lake, basketball courts, tennis, golf, RV camping areas, and much more. His first summer there they allowed him to run wild and have fun. Later on, they explained to him how he needed to grow in responsibility and to take on different tasks. His grandfather taught him how to think this and not that. He learned from him how to serve others and working hard. He carried this lesson throughout his career as a physician. He believes in the mindset medicine and how having the right mindset can reverse disease and lose weight. He explained the real reason we fail in finding meaningful relationships, catching after our dream jobs, or trying again is mainly because of their own limiting beliefs. 





He struggled with a limiting mindset at an early age. In his freshmen year, his teacher laughed at him when he told her what he wanted to do with his life. He told her that he wanted to be a doctor or a physical therapist. He wanted to pursue that route because of his mother’s cancer diagnosis. His grades were very mediocre and he had just received an F and had a D average. She told him that he would never be able to get into med school and that he wouldn’t even finish college. She diagnosed him with ADHD and this caused him to feel even more insecure. He did manage to up his grade to a C to help to please his dad. He stated how we need to ponder on how much power we have gave to others concerning our future and how their beliefs have changed our own beliefs about ourselves. What has held us back from going after what we really wanted. He explained how critical it is understanding our beliefs and how powerful they are and how they determine what our future will look like. He had a very prevailing illustration on a table and the tabletop and their legs and how we can compare them to our beliefs. He later goes onto clarifying how he had an English teacher in his freshman year of college that changed his life and instead encouraged to pursue English or to become a writer. He experienced a memory transplant and he started to believe that he was in fact smart. He shared how he has since become a doctor and he shared some of the accomplishments he had. 




I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to change their mindsets and to think this instead of that. I immensely like how he encouraged readers to write down three of five limiting beliefs about ourselves and how they can be harming us. I liked how he encouraged us to consider the cost if we never change and still believe the lie. I also liked how he shared his mother’s health story and how he assisted her in eating healthier and she was healed from her health scares. The principles in this book are very impactful and this book is one that is meant to be studied and applied to your life. This is probably one of the better book on mindsets and changing your thoughts and how they help us to improve our health. 







I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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Cook with Confidence: Over 100 Inspiring Recipes to Cook and Eat Together by Dennis Prescott Book Review

In Cook with Confidence, Dennis Prescott has written a cookbook filled with over 100 recipes. He grew up in as a Canadian in New Brunswick. He is from a small town, called Riverview. They love their seafood there and had high tides. He at first had a dream of becoming a musician and he shared a little about how he made his first record and travelled around in a van. He realized that he was becoming out of shape and he decided to learn how to cook. This led him to having a passion to cook every day and try and fail at new recipes. He was able to work in a few restaurants, catering, run a coffee and doughnut shop, wrote a column for Food & Wine magazine, wrote a few cookbooks, and grew his social media accounts. He divided the book into a few different sections such as, kickstart my heart with snacks, seasonal salads, pasta, plant powered meals, under the sea, meaty mains, and much more. 




Some of my favorite topics was how to open up an oyster, the importance of salt and favoring, and tips on grilling. Some of the recipes enclosed were, loaded grilled chicken nachos, creamed lobster dip, confit tomato, grilled peach, and burrata salad, grilled tequila-chili chicken fajitas with spiked sour cream, healthy fish and chips, and so much more. 




I would recommend this awesome cookbook to anyone is seeking a new cookbook filled with mouthwatering recipes. I loved how colorful and beautiful the photographs were of the food and the personal photos of him enjoying meals with family and friends. There are excellent seafood ideas and you can tell he really enjoys serving and cooking with different meats and veggies. I can’t wait to try some of these. I really liked also how he included cooking tips on how to cook the challenging seafood items that people sometimes can struggle with. He did a great job in explaining it in easy terms. My favorite one I want to try is the fajitas cause his pictures makes it look so tasty. 



I received this book free from Harper Celebrate for my honest review.”






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