Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Believe for It: Passing Faith to the Next Generation by Cece Winans with Suzanne Grosselin Book Review

In Believe for It, Cece Winans helped readers to understand the importance of passing on our faith in Christ to the next generation. She opened up about how she grew up in a Christian home.  She explained how she was the eighth child born into her father. But she was the very first Winans. In the book, she revealed how that name came to be. She shared how her whole family grew up singing and her house was filled with music. Her parents come from broken homes and when they married, they made a vow to stay together and raise Godly children. They helped lay the foundation for a relationship with Christ and this in turn led her to passing on her faith to the next generation. She explained how she became a gospel recording artist and how she raised her own two children to love God and keep the faith going throughout the generations. 



In 2012, her and her husband, Alvin started a church named, Nashville Life Church. They were both nearing retirement age and God called them to start a church. She revealed how 15 years prior to starting the church a woman boldly stated how they would one day her husband would become a pastor. He was often mistaken for a pastor in different places he went. She shared how her son also returned home from Australia and they would pray that he would come back to his faith. He ended up coming back and this led to them starting a church. She stated a heartbreaking statement, “roughly 40 percent were missing a dad or mom in the home while growing up.” She explained how faith is becoming less and less popular and how we need to change that and merge all of the generations together. She also looked at the verse that stated for us to not look down on younger people and how we must be an example to them with our love, faith, and actions. She shared how she begin to enjoy the intergenerational relationships that are in her church. 



Worldliness is being more prevalent and the enemy is working overtime to make us believe his lies. One of the big lies he will use against us when we are trying to pass on our faith to others is that the task is that we aren’t qualified. He makes us believe that we aren’t good enough to follow God’s will and plan for our lives. Most of us have at some point said to ourselves that we could never do that. She recalled how scripture reminds us that we are able to anything through Christ. She personally shared how she didn’t think she could stand up on stage and teach for one hour. She had to overcome that fear and believe that she could carry out God’s will for her life. Another area that we believe that we are failures and we could never lead the next generation because of our past sins. She carefully clarified how everyone is a sinner and if we waited until we perfect, then none of us would be leading others. The Bible is filled with imperfect people, Rebekah, Joseph, David, and much more. Many of us may be living with shame and letting it dictate how we live our lives. Jesus died where we can stop feeling guilty over our past sins. 



I would recommend this awesome book on passing on our faith to our children to every single parent, grandparent, and to people who don’t have children. We all can be a positively influence for the next generations and Cece talks to all readers on ways they can do that. I appreciated how she understood how some of us may be burned out and struggling with our mental health but there is hope. We can get refreshed and then work towards sowing faith into the next generation. I liked how she encouraged us to seek God and study the scriptures and pass them on to the next generation. She even had a nice suggestion if you don’t have children, you can start a Bible study and engage with the younger generation. I also liked how she explained the roles of different ages and how we all must work together for the Kingdom of God. I thought she did a wonderful job in sharing her own hardships and how she lost one of her brothers and this was one of her darkest days. She was very real in trying to help others through their own adversity. It was interesting to read about how the idea for her first live album came to be right before the pandemic. It was cool to hear about how the song, Believe for It was written and how it was the very last song for the record that ended up become the theme for the entire record. The idea come when one of the producers was mowing his lawn of all things. They were searching for a song that declared that we are believing that God is able to the impossible. As we have heard the song by now, the lyrics of this song has changed lives! 






"I received this book free from the publisher, K-Love Books for my honest review.”






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