Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Elegant Warrior: How To Win Life's Trials Without Losing Yourself by Heather Hansen Book Review

In The Elegant Warrior, Heather Hansen explored the different facets of being a lawyer and how we can apply it to our lives. She is a trial lawyer and has defended medical malpractice cases for over 20 years. She has done legal analysis for Fox News, CNN, and a few others. She has personally dealt with dead mothers, paralyzed lovers, babies harmed, and catastrophic injuries that changed their lives. She explained how she can count on one hand the number of cases she lost. She shared how she was assisting this one young man who was dealing with pain for years. He was taking anxiety medication regularly. He had a withdraw seizure and broke his arm and got a concussion and he sued the doctor. He shared how she took his entire story apart on the stand. Before he testified, he explained to his mother how she helped him with her shoes and how nice she was towards him. She felt bad but she had to expose him. She explained how his story was inconsistent and the timing was off. She admitted to afterwards crying in her RAV4 and pondering if she was true to who she was. She struggled with being kind and also being firm because she had a case to win. This is where the idea for the book came to be. We can all be elegant warriors and we all contain the ability to be true to ourselves no matter what battles we may face along the way. We can learn the balance between being elegant with compassion and not losing ourselves in battle. Each chapter is written with the idea to focus on one aspect of the law. Some of these included complaining, choosing your army, nurturing your team, knowing when to settle, picking people well, strike with questions, and much more. 




I would recommend this awesome book written from a lawyer. I enjoyed how she covered everything leading up to the trial and court date. She showed details on all the behind the scenes that occur. I appreciated how open she was in the importance of making your point across in the first three minutes and not falling into the cruse of knowledge. She really tried to help readers to understand how critical it is to ask questions where we will know more knowledge and in turn will help to understand more clearly and help our audience to understand. Making a first impression is very important and it’s something we won’t every forget. Empathy can be obtained when we choose to ask questions. I loved how she related all of the lessons we can learn in the court room to real life and becoming an elegant worker. I’m glad she shared personal examples of some of the cases she took on and sometimes the stories would even be humorous. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Page Two for my honest review.”









If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on




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