Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Disruptive Thinking: A Daring Strategy to Change How We Live, Lead, and Love by T.D. Jakes Book Review

In Disruptive Thinking, T.D. Jakes has written a powerful book about changing our mindsets and following a new strategy in how we live our lives. He explained how the people who have come before us that are written in history books, they chose to stand out and didn’t follow the mold. They are the disrupters and they didn’t care if they fit into society. He stated how we are conditioned to believe that someone will come and save us. This is why we love Superman, Lone Ranger, Batman, Black Panther, Wakanda, etc. He shared how Peter was a Biblical example of a disruptive thinker. He was talkative, outspoken, and a risk taker. He walked on water, cut off someone’s ear, declared that Jesus is the Messiah when Jesus asked him who He was. We have to be extremely careful not to succumb to peer pressure. You have to be willing to stand out and be different. Some of the real-life heroes are Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, just to name a few. 



He opened up about how he became a disruptive thinker in his own life. At age, eleven he watched his father slowly become sicker and sicker. He went from 280 pounds to 130 pounds. His kidney began to fail at age 38. This forced him to grow up and become and adult and help his family during this difficult season. He stated how hard times produce strong leaders and this helped him to become a disruptive thinker. He remembers his father at one point telling them that he wanted to die and he was tired of fighting. He eventually did pass three years later. 



Another powerful story was one that he shared about when he first began preaching at a national level and he was having news articles written about him. One attacked who he was and they didn’t say some nice things about him. He admitted that he thought about quitting and that he didn’t want this anymore. He was speaking at a church and he thought that this would be his last event and he was done. A woman come up to him and told him about how she about died from carrying a baby that passed away. She told him that it’s not for them that you do what you do, it’s for us. He later cried and admitted that he lost his purpose but the word she spoke over him changed his life and he got his fire back and kept going on. A few years later, he met her again and he got to tell her how much of an impact she had on him. He used this story to explain how success feels and how we can still feel lonely and unhappy. We can’t catch success for a feeling. He specified how important it is to serve others and how Jesus even washed feet and he used this to explain how a good leader will learn to serve others. He revealed how there are five things we must be willing to lay aside to serve others. These included, “time, title, talent, treasure, and temperament. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to focus on disruptive thinking and following wisdom and evolving change. This book is a very beneficial resource for readers to use in changing their mindset. One of my favorite chapters was about parenting a disrupter. This one discussed how creative people disrupted something to create whatever they desire. He shared how we teach our children to fit in and not to do anything that would make them stand out. But by looking at historical figures, they chose to do bold things. I liked how he shared the story of Sarah and how she caused him the most trouble growing up but is the most famous child of his and she leads Woman Thou Art Loosed now. He became pregnant at age 13 and chose to follow God’s calling on her life. I appreciated how he was trying to help parents to conduct more focused parenting if they have a disruptive child. I liked how he tried to guide parents in raising up a disrupter. I also greatly connected with the essays in the back of the book covering 11 key people that showcased how they are disruptive thinkers. These included, Osar Williams, Tristan Walker, Nona Jones, Dr. Anita Phillips, and much more. These personal leader’s stories were very remarkable and life changing examples to encourage readers to also follow disruptive thinking. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”






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