Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Believe: Hope Has Your Name on It by Joel Osteen

In Believe, Joel Osteen has written a book discussing the power of believing and using it to change your entire life. When we choose to believe this in fact will help us to ignite the promises of God and to witness His favor throughout the day. We can learn to believe what God has stated over our lives and get in agreement with Him. Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:19 that believers and those that would believe would learn to understand the greatness of God’s power. Joel stated how we must learn to just get in agreement with God and say Lord, I believe. He shared a story found in scripture that discussed how a little girl was very sick and the dad came to Jesus and begged for him to heal his daughter. Jesus kept making stops along the way and never arrived there before she died. He told them if they would only believe, then she would be made well. Jesus did pray for her and she was healed. We can use this example to believe that God is able to turn anything around, fix our financial burdens, bring our wayward children home, provide healing, help us to find our spouse, have children, our dreams to come to pass, and whatever else you are believing God for. The book is derived from material, “All Things are Working for Your Good, The Power of Favor, Think Better, Live Better, and Break Out”. 



In the book, he shared a story about a young couple who attended Lakewood Church. They had a dream to buy their first home and they believed what scriptures stated about God’s favor and Ephesians 3:20. For ten years, they saved up the money for their dream home. They were about to close on the house when her house lost his job on his birthday. They believed that God was a God of justice and He could bring restoration. The husband didn’t get his hopes up. He was still looking for a job and volunteering at church. Five months later and out of the blue he received a phone call from his old job. It was someone from corporate explaining that they had fired the whole management team. The company wanted him to come back and they restored all of his benefits and retirement. The house was unfortunately sold by then. But God provided them with another home that turned how to be in a better area and for a better price. 



I would recommend this awesome book about believing and being mindful of what you are believing. I loved the concept for this book and it’s a wonderful book to help you to feel refreshed. I greatly connected with the importance of setting your thermostat on God’s promises and keep our mindsets set on things above. Even when the temperature changes, we can learn to stay in faith and not be moved by what we see. We can instead by moved by what we know. This was very life changing in reading about how we need set our thermostat and not be moved by whatever is happening around us. I also loved how he went into detail about our anchor of hope. Sometimes we have to cut the lines to break free from whatever is holding us down. This will help us to have the right perceptive and remember to have hope in what matters. I was touched by the incredible story he shared regarding an inmate who was convicted of selling drugs and sentenced to 40 years and how watching Lakewood changed his life. He believed that he would get out early and was released and attended a service and explained to Joel how he changed his life. This was breathtaking to read and how he was able to believe for God’s favor. I also liked reading about how he was able to get the Compaq Center and move Lakewood Church there and all the challenges and obstacles that they face. These were inspiring to read about. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on




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