Andrew Smith's Blog

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Look What You’ve Done: The Lies We Believe and the Truth that Sets Us Free by Tasha Layton with Jocelyn Bailey Book Review


In Look What You’ve Done, Tasha Layton has written down her personal story about her journey to become a songwriter and a Christian singer. This book covered her struggle with dealing with shame and feeling less than. She tried to bury her shame so deep that it wouldn’t ever come to the surface. She explained how this led to her hit song, same name as the title of this book. She was able to connect with God and let Him in her brokenness. In the book, she also touched on her auditioning for American Idol, eventually becoming a background singer for Katy Perry, leaving music, coming back to music, getting married, and having children. 




She grew up in a small town in South Carolina and didn’t have many friends. Her family just couldn’t afford to participate in sports, dance, or any other fun group activities. She lived in a trailer and she explained how she wouldn’t invite kids over because she was afraid of being judged. She always believed that the other kids in nicer housed were just better people than her. Her parents worked hard to provide for them. She shared how she felt not beautiful enough and she didn’t think she had the right hairstyle. She had a deep fear of rejection and she strived to be perfect. She felt the seeds of comparison. This robs us of our identify and contentment. She revealed how gratitude is an important practice we need to put into place where it can change our perspective. We all need to learn to enjoy what we do have and not focus on what we don’t. 



She shared a heartbreaking story about a bad nightmare she had that messed her up for years. This started because of an event at school that humiliated her. She was in first grade when they were all supposed to be taking turns reading out loud. She needed to go to the bathroom and the teacher thought she was trying to get out of her turn. When it was time for her to read, she wet herself in front of the whole classroom. She was laughed at and sent to the bathroom located in the classroom. The teacher was annoyed and left her in their until it was time to go home. This led her to believe the lie that she was a bad child who deserved punishment. She also opened up about how she was called one of them Chia Pets because of her leg hair. She was embarrassed and she made a vow to never to be made fun of again. She went home and shaved her own legs and ended up cutting her legs and leaving behind a scar. This shared all of these personal stories where readers can understand that, “our memories inform who we become”. The real enemy is very good at planting lies and reinforcing them and disguise them as truths. In the book, she walks readers through how she received counseling and was able to heal and move forward. 




I would recommend this awesome book about Christian artist, Tasha Layton. I have only recently listened to her music became a fan of her voice and now her story. One of my first songs I heard of her was a song she sung with Josh Wilson. I then listened to her other songs and she has an incredible voice range and her lyrics are life changing. I intensely connected with her story and I appreciated how real she was in sharing her brokenness, the lies we are believing, and shame. I really didn’t like how she was treated in school and church. Fans will be shocked to her about her teenage boyfriend mother experience and how she treated her. I was in awe in reading about her struggle with wanting to end it all at the lowest moment of her life during her collage life and feeling miserable but thank God she is still her changing lives. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, K-Love Books for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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