Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Walking Free: Taking Small Steps to a Big God by Micah Tyler with Robert Noland Book Revie



In Walking Free, Micah Tyler has invited reader through a forty-two-day journey in getting free from whatever things that our holding us back. He first began the book by sharing a story from Kyle Idleman Bible Study. He since grew on the story and did more research on the topic. The United States created a special job force to assist people during the Great Depression. They would choose what jobs they would want to participate in and they were provided to accomplish the tasks. In one town, they hired a lot of unemployed men to help build a road that used to be wilderness. They were all hopeful and excited for the work. They would come in early and stay late to work on the road. They finally got the courage to ask the government official where the road was going to be leading to and he told them it was a road to nowhere. It was created only to help make money. They eventually lost the motivation and production decreased and people stopped showing up for work. They lost their purpose. 



This led to Micah in following his God given dreams of pursing music and ministry. He also explained how becoming a songwriter that this opened the doors for him to be tested and challenged. One of the stories, he shared was about the song he wrote entitled, “Walking Free”. His brother, Daniel has battled cancer twice. He beat it the first time and then it returned in 2020 and they were able to remove the tumor. The cancer has since come back in 2022 with even more tumors and he’s still battling it today. You would have thought his brother would have stopped serving others. He goes through treatments one day and then he will still go back to his students. Micah explained how this song is about walking free alongside Christ through whatever we may face. He is with us when we go through the fire. 



A powerful lesson he discussed was on how they lived in a single wide mobile home. They all shared it as a family all three kids. The younger child didn’t even have a room and he had to share with his brother in a twin bed, This taught them to live peaceful in tight quarters. They did eventually save up to build their dream home. His younger didn’t have his own room until he was six years old. One day, he asked him what he preferred the trailer or the house. He was shocked when his son, Seth told him the trailer. His response was because all of his memories are there. He learned to bike, share a room, and much more. His son was fulfilled where he was and he didn’t know that there could be anything better. This taught him to reply on God and appreciate the waiting process. God may be building us up inside so when we do get what we are hoping for we will have room in our heart to be grateful for the blessing. 




I would recommend this awesome book to anyone is seeking a book to assist them in walking free from anything that is hinder them from growing. I really enjoyed reading about how he got signed as a Christian artist and how God caused him to be in the right place at the right time and he was networked by divine connections. I liked how he shared some of the background from some of his songs and how they came to be. It was cool in learning from the songwriter perceptive and I was able to relate even more to the stories told in his songs. I liked how he designed the book to be daily/ or weekly journey and readers can take small steps each day. I also liked how each day contained next-step questions to help readers dive deeper into the message. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, K-Love Books for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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