Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

You Matter: Learning to Love Who You Really Are by Matthew Emerzian Book Review

In You Matter, Matthew Emerzian has a major goal of assisting readers into realizing that they matter. The book is divided into three sections, I Matter, You Matter, and We Matter. He opened up in the introduction about how he hit rock bottom. He suffered from a deep trauma and had difficult seeing. He was sweating and breathing heavily. He decided to try and drive to his doctor’s. He told him it was mental and not physically. He instructed him to go home and rest and to ask himself touch questions. He needed to discover his purpose and significance. He diagnosed him with depression and chronic anxiety disorder.



In the book, he opened up about how he began working for Robert Kardashian and helped him manage artists. They produced DVD’s, music, live shows, music videos, and much more. He worked with Tim McGraw, Black Eyed Peas, U2, Coldplay, and many more. He fell into the after parties and started drinking, partying, smoking, and objectifying women. This is what led him into falling into his depression. He eventually got a therapist and she helped him to see how it’s not about him. She helped him to see the importance of serving others and this led him into finding out his significance. 




One of my favorites stories was about how he played water polo and loved the sport. He shared how critical it is to have a community in which you fit into. As we age and get older, we lose our sense of building relationships and friendship. We all have felt the void. He shared how he had a special friend who randomly asked him for his phone number while they were swimming. The man remembered his number and never wrote it down! It turned out he had autism who has a photograph memory. He watched him make friends with everyone he met and asked them to be his friend. He even braided his hair. Unfortunately, in the writing of his book, he lost touch with him and it’s been about three years. Most of the people have moved away from that pool. He shared how authentic Chris was and he would freely live his life and not be pressed by the judgments of others. He strongly suggests that we answer the difficult question on what is holding us back. He tries to assist us in becoming more authentic and genuine. He revealed the hidden truth of self-fulfilling prophecy and how we tend to always judges others and others and this is preventing us from truly being ourselves. Many of us wouldn’t have the confidence to sing or dance or do anything freely without the fear of us feeling like we will be judged for it. The lesson of the day was for us to choose one song that we can dance or sing to and it can become our official song of the day and make it our song. We need to identify what is holding us back in each area of our lives and write down the reasons why using the 5-why’s strategy and keep asking until we get to the real reason that none of it makes sense. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is wanting to understand the concept of why they matter and how importance they are in the world and how they can reach out to others. This book is a wonderful example on serving others and taking the focus off our ourselves. I immensely loved the stories presented in this book and how turned each chapter into a big lesson we can all learn something from. I also loved how the lessons enclosed helpful prompts to write down in our journal and to have conversation starters and to also take action to live it out. I really enjoyed the positive spins he enclosed in this book to help readers to understand why they matter. 







"I received this book free from the publisher, St. Martin's Essentials for my honest review.”






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