Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Mission Possible: Go Create a Life That Counts by Tim Tebow with A.J. Gregory Book Review


In Mission Possible, Tim Tebow explored our paths to discovering our purpose in life and making an impact in other people’s lives. We are all called to live a mission filled lifestyle that showcased all of the good works that God has prepared for us. He explained how Paul stated how we are a workmanship created by Jesus to do His good works and God has prepared us to work in them. We are called to make a difference and help people who are hurting. He shared how he was called to start the Tim Tebow Foundation after meeting a little boy in the Philippines who was born with his feet on backward. Their mission statement is one that touches on how they want to bring faith, hope, and love to people who are in need. 




He revealed a heartbreaking study that was completed and they found people who are 51 to 61 who didn’t have a purpose to live for in life was more likely to die. He shared how we all created in God’s image and we need to know our worth and the power of who lives inside us. When we truly believe this, we will find new meaning for living and discovering our purpose. He encouraged readers to become a part of the rescue mission for people. This includes clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, showing mercy, speaking up for people who don’t have a voice, and being kind. In the book, he investigated what encompasses a good mission statement. He provided questions to get people on the right track in brainstorming what their mission statement could be in life. Each mission statement is special in the fact that everyone has their own calling they are supposed to follow. 



I liked reading the story about Natalie and how he helped rescue her from human trafficking. His organization has been serving in that area secretly for seven years and they didn’t publicly announce it until 2020. Natalie was sold for sex beginning when she was four or five years old. She lived in a camper with no electricity or running water. Her parents were drug addicts and they would sell their children for sex regularly to make them money where they could keep purchasing drugs. People judged her at school because she was dirty and wore the same clothes daily. She suffered from PTSD, anxiety, depression, and much more. She eventually went into the military and had to drop out. She was homeless and met two men who promised her a better life. They would kindly pay for her room, food, gas for her car. They drilled the door shut and starved her. She was sold for sex and one day she tried to flee and collapsed. A neighbor called 911 and at the hospital a social worker helped her get free. She has since has received her associate degree and works at the same hospital she was rescued at. This helped him to get a passion for helping others. 



I would recommend this life changing book on forming and crafting our mission. It was interesting to read about how he proposed to Demi and the thoughts behind it. He was able to relate this example to part of his mission. It also liked how he opened up about his struggle with feeling confident when he was speaking in public. You wouldn’t have picture him struggling with public speaking, since he is now a Christian speaker. Part of what helped him was his teacher, Miss Nancy and her positively influence she had on him. She knew her mission was to help students in choir class. I also liked how he discussed the importance of having a strong work ethic. We need to practice making solutions instead of just complaining when things go wrong. Integrity is something we can all learn to strive for and cultivate it daily. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Waterbrook for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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