Andrew Smith's Blog

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Encounters: Experiences with Nonhuman Intelligences: Explorations with UFO, Dreams, Angels, Al, and Other Dimensions by D.W. Pasulka Book Review

In Encounters, D.W. Pasulka discussed different experiences people have had with nonhuman intelligences and what we can learn from them. She explained how she is a professor on the history of religion. She has personally studied UFO’s, monks and nuns who levitate, purgatory, technological angels, and much more. In the book, she explored the works of key space psychologists such as, Dr. Iya Whiteley. She explained how astronauts would develop their own rules, beliefs, and behaviors and they would choose what is acceptable and what isn’t. She is also trying actively to conduct a way to speak and communicate with nonhuman intelligent species. She is becoming a leader in creating technologies.





Another key person in this book was a man called Gray Man. He works for a big research agency and is the head of a laboratory. He personally edited what he shared at least 15 times. He shared his experience with extraterrestrial, nonhuman intelligences, and angels and demons. He explained how he one day woke up to being above him. The creature was assessing him looking at his soul. He was made of light, his hair was long, and he thought it was a pure angel. He felt loved and he wanted to hug him. He couldn’t though because he had a sharp sword. He also met a dark demon and he had to fight it. He shared how this wasn’t a dream and she explained how she thought it was Saint Michael. A few weeks later, he discovered a prayer card of Saint Michael in a box with his passport. In the book, he gave the entire story of how he got that prayer card but he has no idea how it got into that box. He also experienced a few encounters with UFO’s and these stories are breathtaking to read!  



I would recommend this insightful book about nonhuman intelligences. I loved how it looked at the topic of angels and demons and how they are among us. The stories presented in this book was very descriptive and it allowed you to form your own conclusions. I liked how it had different scientists in different fields sharing their experiences and research all with different backgrounds. I thought in her covering numerous areas and perspectives it assisted in getting her research across. I enjoyed how this book did discuss some of the Christianity beliefs about angels and demons. I thought this chapter was very beneficial and aided us in believing in what we can always see. I wouldn’t say, I’m still a huge believer in aliens or UFO flying in the sky. I haven’t personally saw them and I’m still skeptical. It was still fascinating to read about others who have experienced them. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, St. Martin's Essentials for my honest review.”





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